Is there anything more joyous than a heavy summer rain?
Walking to remember/walking to forget /
Sometimes I don't know what makes my heart ache and sometimes I do. I've been in a fog; all confusion and sadness. Everything feels grey and I've been uninspired. Empty. So I walked, for about three hours. Just walked. And eventually the inspiration came. Understanding that creativity is a process and the process is so much about living through what you're experiencing.
Everything is grey. Embrace it. Let it be the thing that takes the stage. Not every sky needs to be aquamarine blue. I've been longing for storm clouds. In their absence, I'll make my own.
The more I walked and looked and thought the more energy I had. When the opportunity arose for a self portrait, the blue came through naturally. My blue sky. And me, a lot less grey.
Meditating on uncertainty and the beauty that comes with it throughout my walk. So appropriate that I found this near the end. I understand that I don't understand and I don't have to. That's the true beauty of letting go.
So let us not be sure of anything,
beside ourselves, and only that, so
miraculous beings come running to help.